Related article:
difiBculties of the Taunton Vale.
Lord Southampton, the well-
known No. 2 of the Freebooter
team, is chosen as master of
the Woodland Aldara Price Pytchley. Every Imiquimod Aldara
reader of Baily knows that he has
been a most successful deputy-
master of the Warwickshire. This
last-named pack have had a series
of misfortunes. The doctors have
finally forbidden Lord Willoughby
to hunt hounds himself. Jem
Cooper, K.H., the second of the
name who has won credit in the
annals of hunting, is on the shelf
with an injury to his back, which
has interrupted a hitherto success-
ful career as huntsman. Yeo,
from the Shropshire, takes his
place at Kineton. Bonner, of the
Meynell, has resigned the horn,
and wishes for a new place.
Walter Keyte has been app>ointed
huntsman of the Quorn, he, like
his predecessor, having never
served as first whipper-in. Mr.
Hargreaves is resigning the Cat-
tistock and Captain Harrison the
£ast Gal way.
• Poultry. — This is a threatening
question in some hunts, indeed it
seems likely to be almost as se-
rious as wire or pheasants. The
attention of the writer has been
called to some very minatory
letters in a contemporary dealing
with poultry, on the subject of
hunting, Aldara Ointment and advocating certain
methods of trapping foxes. Both
the methods suggested are likely
to bring trouble on those who
practise them, but it is Buy Aldara Cream the spirit
^which is serious. In some dis-
tricts poultry farming and poultry
fancying are become common
interests. No matter how often
our friend Mr. Tegetmeier demon-
strates the hopelessness of making
hen-farming pay, still the will-o'-
the-wisp attracts. The blame of
failure is laid on foxes, or any-
thing indeed except the inherent
Buy Aldara serious,
because to hunt secretaries a hen
is a hen, and nothing more, and
the uninitiated do not know the
gulf which separates the useless
bird which will not lay and which
you cannot Aldara Imiquimod fatten, from the useful,
necessary, barn-door bird. The
price of the fancy bird is Aldara 5 Cream estimated
in guineas, the latter in shillings.
Yet facts are facts, and Purchase Aldara I am
afraid we must take cognizance
of the existence of fancy poultry.
What is suggested here is that in
these exceptional cases the birds
should be valued by a competent
person before each season and
their loss made good on a fairly
liberal scale when the hunt secre- Cost Of Aldara
tary pays out his poultry fund.
If it be said that this is laying a
new burden on the funds Aldara Treatment of the
hunt, we Aldara Cream 5 cannot deny it, but it
must be faced. On the other
hand^ a fair valuation of the
poultry in each division of the
hunt while they are alive would
probably be an Aldara Prices invaluable guide
to the just apportionment of com-
pensation. Nothing does so much
harm as paying too little for
poultry, unless it be Aldara Cream Price paying too
Polo — The New Wimbledon
Club. — With Lord Harrington as
president and Mr. T. B. Dry-
brough as manager, not to speak of
good stabling, and last, but not
least, a good ground, 300 yards by
1 70, this club ought to be a success.
At all events, the management
mean to start early and to have a
match in the first week in April
if the weather permits. A Wool-
wich team is to play a team of
the club. This club should re-
lieve the pressure on the Senior
Club grounds. Will Mr. Dry-
brough kindly Aldara Buy consider the ques-
tion of supplying a practice Aldara Warts
ground for members ? TheV.D.
puts forward this petition at the
instance of several polo players
assembled in the Midlands at a
well-known polo player's house.
The London Polo Cream Aldara Club— This
is a bold attempt by the Crystal
Palace Company to make polo a
popular game, and has the ad-
vantage of Captain F. Herbert as
adviser and manager. There is
to be a first-rate polo ground, a
grand pony show in connection
with the club, and members are,
if they wish it, to have ponies
hired out to them at certain
charges by the management. So
far as these latter have been pub-
lished, they seem rather high, but
in other respects the scheme
appears to be well thought out
and practical, and there is no
doubt a sufficiency of capital
behind the promoters. There is
also a scheme for undertaking the
importation of ponies. If this is
done with American ponies, on a
sufficient scale and with good
judgment it might succeed, though
the V.D. has no great faith in the
profit to be made on such
Prize List for Polo Ponies at
the Dublin Spring Show.— It
has always been a favourite idea
of the V.D.'s that the spring was
the time for a successful Polo
Pony Show. The Royal Dublin
Society have published a prize
list for polo ponies for their show
on April i8th, 19th, 20th and
2 1 St. This is an opportunity
which buyers from England are
not likely to miss, and a great
gathering of polo players may be
expected. There is, after all,
nothing like a good Irish pony,
and it may be anticipated that
this show will Aldara Cost be as great a
rendezvous for buyers and sellers
of ponies as the autumn show is
for those interested in hunters.
The official measurer will be pre-
sent, and there will be an auction
after the show. The classes are
No. 77 for made polo ponies, and
98 for likely ponies. There will
be four prizes in each class of
;^i5. if 10. £5 and;^3 respectively.
The finished article and the raw
material will each be tested in
such a way as to show their fit-
ness for the game. The tests in
each case to be Aldara Cream such as an experi-
enced player would ask : ist, for
a pony for immediate use, 2ndy for
one to be trained and broug^ht
forward hereafter. There is no
doubt that this idea will catch
on, and that the show Aldara Online will have,
as we wish it, every success.
Death of George DaTidson.--
Derbyshire County Cricket has
sustained a very severe loss by the
death of George Davidson, one of
the very best all-round cricketers
of the day. He fell a victim to
pneumonia supervening upon in-
fluenza, and passed away on Feb-
ruary 8th, at the early age of
thirty - two, almost before his
friends had realised that his con-
dition was critical.
With the exception of his col-
league Storer, George Davidson
was probably the best all-round
cricketer that the Peak County Aldara For Warts
has produced. He made his first
appearance for Derbyshire in 18S6.
when he played at Lord's against
the Marylebone Club, and his fast